AI Offset Press

We provide top-class Advanced Solution products and specialized software designed for the Printing Press Industry and custom application development services in different industries to tackle various business challenges, elevate operations, and enable growth.

Our Value Services

Cutting-edge and specialized software tailored for the dynamic landscape of the printing industry, backed by decades of hands-on experience in the intricacies of printing production.


Cost Estimator Management

Production Workflow

Report icon

Financial Management

Printing Estimator Solutions

More Than 30 Printing Category.

 Estimate Magazines[Pages Inside, Dividers, Flabs, Covers, Jacket]

Estimate Flyers, Business Card ,NCRR Pad, NCR Sets, Paper bages, Boxes, etc………

Featured Image

Estimate All Offset Printing Products & Seal Deals Faster Linked With All PCRM Feature

In the competitive world of offset printing, building strong relationships with clients is key to securing jobs, repeat business, and referrals. This is where a PCRM (Printing Customer Relationship Management) system specifically designed for the printing industry can be a game-changer.

  • Customizable Estimation :
    All printing products offered (e.g., brochures, business cards, flyers, Magazines, posters, packaging)
    Available paper stocks, inks, and finishing options
    Standard pricing for each product and option
  • Automated Calculations
    Calculate estimated costs based on product specifications and pricing data
    Factor in material costs, labor costs, overhead, and desired profit margins
  • Workflow Approval Magic: Sales representatives generating initial estimates
    Managers reviewing estimates for accuracy and feasibility
    Approval from designated decision-makers (e.g., sales manager, general manager)
    Ability to request adjustments or re-estimation as needed
  • Benefits:
    Accuracy and Consistency:
    Ensures accurate and consistent pricing across all sales channels.
    Automates calculations and streamlines approval processes, saving time and resources
    Provides clear visibility into pricing and approval processes for all stakeholders
    Helps maintain profit margins and prevent underquoting
    Improved Customer Experience:
    Faster turnaround times for estimates and smoother communication
    Sales Empowerment:
    Sales representatives can confidently generate accurate estimates without relying on production experts
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Cloud ERP Ecosystem

Uffset Co, Provides high-quality, valued, innovative, creative Hi-Tech Solutions, and is an expert atmid-sized, and enterprise-grade businesses, Integrated, and automates the process with the help of enterprise resource planning(ERR), Human resource management system (HRMS), project management system(PMS).

  • Flexible, fast reporting: Real-time reports and analytics,
    you can make informed decisions on business development and improve your financial results.
  • Access Your data anywhere: Easily assign users and clients to leads through a Kanban board system Update prices and make notes on
    individual leads
  • Invite your entire team: With the majority of business processes efficiently automated, you can let everyone perform more tasks with
    fewer resources.
  • Flexible, fast reporting: On your bike mate cobblers I don't want no agro bleeding crikey

Software solution development map

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).

Our agile, end-to-end product lifecycle management (PLM) model covers everything from conceptualization, 

Concurrent front-end & back-end coding, deployment, QA, and more.

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Trusted by

Industries We've Worked With

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your father.

Experience a smarter way to close deals

With All-in-one Business Manager